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Brighton Urban Renewal Authority (BURA) Explores Creation Of A New Downtown Development Authority (DDA)

The Brighton Urban Renewal Authority (BURA) and the City of Brighton are exploring the creation of a Downtown Development Authority, also referred to as a DDA. The existing Downtown Urban Renewal Area sunsets in 2027, which means downtown will soon lose its dedicated funding source for important improvements and programs.  These initiatives can include streetscaping, marketing and promotion, and construction of public improvements such as roads and utility services.   In response, the City of Brighton and BURA have launched a process to assess the feasibility of establishing a DDA to help finance the next era of downtown investment. 


A Brighter Downtown Brighton Survey – Link to Survey


DDAs are quasi-public agencies that provide organization

and funding for downtown revitalization and economic

development, with a focus on maintaining a city's central

business district as a vibrant and attractive destination.

They bring together businesses, property owners, local

government, and other civic partners—such as chambers

of commerce—to create a self-sustaining organization

dedicated to championing downtown for the long term.

These initiatives, along with ongoing events and business

support efforts, are helping to keep downtown Brighton a

place where people want to shop, dine, and gather as a



An Open House at the Armory Performing Arts Center

will be held on Tuesday, March 25th from 3-7 p.m. 

The meeting is open to the public and all are encouraged

to attend.  The DDA Steering Committee’s consultants

and partners will be in attendance to represent each


BURA Survey Flyer.jpg

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Our Business Visitation Program gathers concise, accurate, and up-to-date information about the needs of existing businesses. We help connect businesses with a variety of resources depending on their needs. 

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